By default, ERC comes with all the functions an IRC client should have. It supports multiple channels, one-on-one private messaging, keyword and nickname highlighting, and notifications. ERC is the best choice if you want a light IRC client for your Emacs or XEmacs editor.
Most new users of mIRC and IRC channels or undernet or dalnetor whatever, always make mistakes in their early attempts tobuild up a hoard of mp3 files. Many give up in disgust, becausethey fail to learn the procedures and the idiosyncracies of IRC.This is sad, because IRC is the best place to find mp3s.
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In [FekLar]'s wise and knowledgeable opinion, most mp3channels that offer FTP sites on IRC suck, and so do most of theFTP sites. Most are portals for per-click advertising pennies,and it might take you 30 minutes to find what you could havefound in the file server channels in 30 seconds, if you were everfind it on a FTP. FTP's might be OK for warez, but not for mp3s.
Rawhide bugs should be reported against the Fedora product, rawhide version and the affected component.Please do follow best practices when filing.Remember that IRC and mailing lists are useful to help narrow down if some behavior is a bug or where to report it, but are themselves not bug reporting channels.Always file bugs in Bugzilla.
6. What are the duties of IRCops?The primary duty of an IRCop is to keep their server connected to Undernet. That means that after a netsplit, they try to figure out the best way to reconnect their server so the users will be least disrupted. Of course, they also try to prevent netsplits as best they can. Secondary duties are somewhat less important, and different IRCops have differing opinions of what those duties are. Generally, they may include: G:lining or /killing abusers (see G:line/K:line FAQ for details, hanging out in help channels, and using Uworld, Uworld2, or EUworld to resolve channel problems. An IRCop's responsibility is to maintain the servers and the network. All other duties performed by an IRCop is done because that IRCop wants to help users and has the spare time to do it.Go to Top
9. Why won't most IRCops help warez or porn channels?Personal ethics is the reason. Even though Undernet is an unmoderated medium and does not monitor or police the activities of its userbase (outside of those who are actively abusing resources), no IRCop is required to help any channel, especially a channel that goes against his or her principles. If they think warez trading undermines the software industry, or porn is degrading to women (or dogs, or whatever) the are certainly not under any obligation to give such channels ops or help of any kind. Mp3-trading channels usually fall under this category, as well.Also, remember there are laws that forbid trading copyrighted material, and everyone (even the mighty IRCops) has to obey the law. Go to Top
10. Why don't IRCops do more to get rid of the warez and porn channels?In view of the answer to question #9, many users feel that it is hypocritical of Undernet IRCops to not get rid of warez and porn channels. However, Undernet is an unmoderated, world-wide medium. Undernet does not censor what kind of channels can exist, but this lack of censorship should not be viewed as an endorsement. Also, there are many legal issues to consider. Undernet has servers in many countries, and each one has different laws on censorship, freedom of speech, and exports. It would be impossible for IRCops to know what is legal in each and every country that has servers, much less all the countries that have people using Undernet. If warez, porn, or any other types of channels are offensive to you, don't go there and ignore users who do, but please respect other people's right to use Undernet and choose what channels to join. Or, if you feel really offended, you could try joining #ZT and report warez/porn/mp3 channels there.Some IRCop might help out by closing down the channel.Go to Top
Actually I read the article, and he says that "99.9% of IRC traffic to the top 60 channels is 'illegal.'" Which doesn't surprise me; all 60 of them are warez channels. But overall, this is a drop in the IRC ocean.
There is far too much legal conversation going on that he completely ignored in this study, choosing to focus on the top 60 warez channels to the exclusion of all else. Is it any wonder he found what he found? If you go looking for warez, you're probably going to find warez.
people just sit idle in warez channels, letting bots run, stuff like that. if this study used the smallest 60 channels, i think the results would be the opposite. its like judging the crime rate of the entire nation by taking the average of the largest several cities.
Yes, this is an extreme example of how NOT to conduct a study. He started by chosing the 60 most popular channels - by definition they were not typical. There are 50,000 channels on undernet alone with an average of about 3 users each. Then he chose 4 keywords that are likely to be used much more for warez than legitimate conversation. The results would have been very different if the channels and keywords had been chosen randomly. Of course, if he had chosen a small number of keywords randomly, the results would probably have been 0.00% illegal traffic since the vast majority of the words used on IRC don't name products that are pirated, so the approach of examining the relative rates of legal and illegal use of particular keywords is itself flawed even if your choice of keywords isn't. Relative frequency of many different keywords in some cases could give some clues though there are statistical problems with this."ROFLMAO" is more likely to be found in legitimate messages whereas "systemworks" is more likely to be found in piracy or SPAM (though it can occur in many legitimate contexts as well).A bayesian filter that looked at ALL keywords could have been used toseparate the legal from illegal traffic after extensive training and used to extend the study over more messages and channels than could be done by hand.
On that same note you need to figure in how many users are being counted more than once by being in more than one warez channel. Perhaps it's different on other networks, but people that come into channels I op in that have warez channels in their whois list tend to have a dozen or more warez channels listed, while those in only legit channels usually have 3 or less.
This is misleading nonsense because IRC is a protocol, not a community. There are hundreds or thousands of IRC networks out there, including a few big ones. IRC is a number of big cities plus lots of small towns. I happen to frequent this nice small town [] where people are mostly friendly, children are welcome, and warez and sex channels are forbidden (this is enforced). Just goes to show that the article is one big misleading generalization with sensationalism as its only purpose.
The best way to find warez is to ignore the standard search engines and visit a specialized warez search engine instead, like the one shown in Figure 12-6. Rather than scan thousands of irrelevant sites for a match, a warez search engine scans a limited list of known warez sites. (Whether those warez sites have more to offer than pornography, though, is another matter.)
IRC CHANNELS When warez traders crack the latest program, they often post it in an IRC channel to publicize their achievement. Besides offering the latest programs, IRC channels often harbor high-profile warez like cracked copies of Microsoft Windows XP or the latest video game. 2ff7e9595c